Stationary Bikes
Recumbent Vs. Upright exercise bike: Which is the best?The gym is a scary place. Not only do you have people scrutinizing you already, but there is a pluthera of options when it comes to cardio. One choice is the stationary bikes. There are 2 versions: an upright bike, which is more like a convential bike, and rebumbent, which are seated bikes.There really is no difference in cardiovascular effect when it comes to these 2 options. The best option for you is based on your needs anatomically.The back support on the recumbent bike is thought to make the ride more comfortable. But only a person with a back that is highly sensitive to any forward lean whatsoever would find the standard upright bike uncomfortable.People with back problems should be careful on a spinning bike. Dropping the handlebars too low so that you have to bend over at your waist is a recipe for back strain, especially when climbing at hard intensities in the seated position.For all bikes, the best back position is one where the handlebars are as high as possible. If you do need to lean your upper body forward, sit tall as you do so. Hold your ribcage lifted to engage your core muscles for support, and to maintain the natural curve in your lower back—a slightly arched, not rounded, position.Many people simply hop on a bike without adjusting the seat to accommodate the extension of their legs as they pedal. For knees, it’s crucial to keep your seat high enough on an upright bike, or far enough on a recumbent, so that you’re legs almost fully straight when you reach the farthest point in the revolution (but avoid locking them rigidly straight). If you are too close to the pedals, your knees stay flexed as you pedal. This position is more stressful to the knee joint, especially if you are “climbing,” or cycling with resistance.For your home gym, consider these stationary bikes:
Also check out the Fitness, Nutrition and Weight loss Amazon Store for more exercise options