Don’t Let Toxins Ruin Your Health

October 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Dieting, Health, Weightloss

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Don’t Let Toxins Ruin Your Health

Over time, there are all sorts of dangerous but common toxins that can build up in your body. They can be found in the foods you eat and in the products you use every day. When allowed to remain in the body and accumulate, they can end up causing a lot of damage. By understanding what they are and how to recognize them when you see them, it will be easier to avoid them in the future and decide whether a body detox is in order right now.


Here are some common toxins that may surprise you:

High fructose corn syrup, which is commonly found in soft drinks and other products containing sugar, is known to build up in the body over time. This is dangerous because it’s been found to force the body to age at a faster than normal rate. As a result, it can especially be harmful to the condition of your skin.

Monosodium glutamate, which is better known as MSG, is another common toxin. Commonly used as a flavoring in food, this material can impact the nervous system and promote allergies.

Soy is considered a healthy alternative for many people who need to avoid dairy products, but excess consumption of it over time can cause it to build up to toxic levels in your digestive system. Further, soy can prevent calcium and Vitamin D from getting through your body and being processed properly. As a result, your bone strength may be compromised and put you at risk for fractures and other injuries. At toxic levels, soy can cause your body to suffer from fatigue.

Talc is a toxin that can be absorbed into the body through inhalation while using cosmetic and baby powders. At too-high levels, talc can cause the body’s reproductive system to be inhibited.

Aspartame is commonly used as a sugar substitute in a number of products including many diet sodas. It easily can build up in the body. Excessive amounts can cause headaches in certain people.

Finally, hydrogenated oil – also known as trans fats – can be toxic to your body. These toxins do not easily break down and can cause clogging. In addition, allergies have been found to be promoted by this unhealthy type of oil as well.

When you know which toxins to avoid, it’s a lot easier to stay healthy. You can learn more about these and many other toxins at:

Detox Diet For Weight Loss

If you always feel tired at the end of your day or have trouble getting up in the mornings, excessive toxins in your system could have something to do with it. Many people report feeling a huge increase in their energy levels after going through a detox program designed specifically to remove built up toxins from their body.

Easy Body Detox Diet

Body detoxification is simply a way of describing the process of removing toxins and waste that have accumulated in the body, primarily the colon. Often you’ll hear colon cleansing and detoxification used in the same discussions.

One of the positive side effects of a cleansing and/or detoxification program is feeling a bit lighter when it’s over. Because years of toxins and waste are often removed during the process, it’s not uncommon to lose a few pounds. This alone can increase energy levels significantly.

Because toxins built up over time can cause the digestive system to feel stressed, another benefit of a detox is that these types of pressures will likely be relieved. Most often this problem happens when your intestines are filled with toxins and they need to work harder than normal to move matter through at a proper rate.

Also, once toxins are gone, your body is better able to process and receive the vital nutrients and vitamins it needs to function properly everyday. You’ll likely feel healthier and have more energy for everyday activities when your body is properly fueled and able to use the nutrients you give it.

Most importantly, everything will be in top working order after a cleanse or detox in most cases. Sometimes we just need fresh start or a healthy tune up and that’s often what a detoxification program can provide.

Be sure to check out:

Easy Detox Diet

…you’ll discover tons of information about detoxification programs and how you can start having a lot more energy than you do right now!

Acai Berry-Scam, or new weight loss miracle?

June 12, 2009 by  
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I know you have come across some ad on the internet, or TV, or Print, or any other ad platform for this new Acai Blast weight loss “miracle”. You may even have considered trying it out to see if it works. I decided to give it a shot for myself. Acai is offering a free trial (just pay for shipping, which is like 5 bucks) so I thought now is the perfect to try it, and share my results.

I have a bachelors degree in Fitness, Nutrition and Health, and am currently working on my Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Sciences, so I am VERY skeptic when something comes out on the marketing and pushes all these claims.

Before I gave this a shot, I took a step back and looked at the product from a technical point of view. The Acai berry is a great super food full of nutrients and antioxidates. But how exactly will that help me lose weight?

Acai by itself is a super food, but it is mixed with Resveratrol extract, which is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and helps repairs damaged cells. It also contains green tea extract, which is another great way to boost metabolism.

So what are my results?

Being a fit guy, it is hard for me to lose weight with diet products. I used this product to supplement my already in place diet and exercise routine and would you know, I actually lost 4 pounds. I know that isn’t huge, but I thought I didn’t have 4 lbs to lose.

I am very impressed with this product. It is simple, and straight foreward. Use it with your regular diet and exercise program and it can be very effective.

The best part is that if you are a skeptic like me, you can get a free trial. All you do is spend $5 for shipping (which is worth it). Give it a shot for yourself then leave a comment and let me know what you think. I love it so much I actually bought about shipment of it!

Colon Cleansing

May 25, 2009 by  
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A critical part of health is internal health. One of the newest things that is coming about is colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is the process of taking a pill or a special diet for a short amount of time in order to clean out your colon. Your colon can contain “leftover” waste that can be hazardous to health along the way.

Bowtrol is an all natural herbal colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of people’s lives through it’s gentle and effective whole body safe and effective internal cleansing. It is formulated to maximize one’s elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.

So if you are looking for a healthy way to cleanse your internal system, CLICK HERE to find out how you can get a FREE bottle of Bowtrol todayl

How To Lose Belly Fat

October 25, 2008 by  
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I found this article on is a great site that offers many tid-bids of information on various topics. This article is a great reference if you are trying to lose weight. Check it out!
Spare Tire
Love Handles
Muffin Top
Pot Belly
All somewhat comical terms for belly fat. Most people don’t like having that extra flab around their midsections, but we tend to just put up with it. There is much conflicting advice out there, and besides, we’ve failed in the past so there’s no guarantee we’ll succeed anyway.

Take heart, there is a truly effective strategy to lose belly fat, but you may have to loosen up some old preconceptions. Please note that in this article I am specifically talking about fat loss as opposed to overall weight loss (fat, muscle & water).

How To Lose Belly Fat – The Guide

The strategy involves both diet and exercise – nothing new there. However, it entails 2 unique ways of going about it.

The Diet – Become a Fat-Burner

Low-carbohydrate nutrition is the most-effective way of shedding pounds of fat from the body.


Basically, the body burns energy in the following order:

Carbohydrate (from food and stored glycogen)
Fat (from food and bodyfat)
Protein (from food and muscle tissue)
If you eat what most government guidelines recommend you eat, you are a carb-burner. It then becomes obvious that in order to become a fat-burner, you should remove the current primary energy source i.e. carbohydrate.

When you do this, your body takes a few days to flip a ‘metabolic switch’ and become a fat-burning machine. At that point, the fat you eat gets consumed first, and then you start burning away bodyfat as your primary source of energy. Obviously, you don’t therefore consume copious amounts of fat, and you don’t need to go zero carb to benefit. Anything under 100 grams of carbs a day is considered ‘low-carb’, but ideally under 60 grams would produce great results.

On low-fat diets (which by nature are high-carb diets), when your ‘food calories’ are gone, the body will burn a mixture of both fat and muscle tissue (protein). As muscle is ‘metabolically active’ — it burns calories all day long just by being there — losing it is a disaster for the dieter. Their metabolism will continually slow down over time.

This is one of the main reasons why low-fat diets very often produce temporary results: you lose weight for a while, but then it stops working (as your metabolism has crashed) and you pile it back on – and then some!

The Exercise

Loads and loads of cardio, right? Wrong.

Overdoing cardiovascular exercise will also put your body in a state where it breaks down lean muscle tissue (catabolism). So the question is, how do we complement our fat-burning nutritional strategy with fat-burning exercise.

It’s called ‘Interval Training’, or more specifically ‘High Intensity Interval Training’. The idea is to perform some sort of cardio in ‘fits and starts’ i.e. a period of lower intensity followed by a period of higher intensity.


Research shows that this type of work burns more fat than steady-state cardio, typically by about 50%. In fact, one study showed a 9 fold increase in fat loss for HIIT compared to low-medium intensity cardio.

Also, with respect to belly fat in particular, research has shown (though the reason is not clear at this time) that HIIT can produce more fat loss in this area than other parts of the body. An Australian study found that the HIIT group lost 3 times more fat and significantly more belly fat than the steady-state cardio group who actually exercised for twice as long!

The even better news is that HIIT need only be performed for 10-20 minutes at a time.

Hopefully you can see that these unique approaches to diet and nutrition will work synergistically to produce truly effective fat-loss:

Get your body to burn fat for energy.
Then add exercise that will utilize the most fat possible.
There’s obviously more to talk about on this topic, but a single post doesn’t permit me to get into it all. I hope you enjoyed it and if nothing else, you feel inspired to find any weight-loss program that you feel you can work with to bring permanent results.”

Mark is a muscle & nutrition enthusiast who has spent years in independent research finding the most effective strategies for physical excellence. Mark will help you build muscle & lose fat with an effective free workout plan and diet. He is the author of ‘Total Six Pack Abs’, the guaranteed system for burning fat & sculpting chiseled abs.


Want to look like a fitness model?

July 21, 2008 by  
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Jennifer Nicole Less was written an exercise and diet program catered to those people who want to look like a fitness model. She did it. She has pictures on her website to prove it. Below is a quick view of her book.

Put Sex Back In Your City

It’s no wonder that the movie “Sex and the City” made record breaking history with an estimated $57 million in sales this past opening weekend.

Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha exemplify the modern day multidimensional woman that has it all, including a super- fierce body that is confident, sexy, strong and fit!

And let’s face it ladies, when you look good, you feel good! If you feel like “Sex” has left your “City” it’s time to BRING YOUR SEXY BACK with The Fitness Model Program™

The Fitness Model Program™ will help you lose that darn ugly fat, blast cellulite and allow you to build feminine sleek and sexy muscle tone with only 4 short workouts per week! Some women are even experiencing the enjoyment of getting their hot body back and not only looking, but feeling years younger and even reporting having higher sexual energy with the help from the
Fitness Model™ Program!

Bring Your Sexy Back with my

The Fitness Model Program™ is a scientifically proven fat burning and muscle toning program which is endorsed by elite trainers and top female fitness magazines. It has been used by hundreds of women of all ages to gain that Fitness Model™ look! Most importantly it does not rely on hours of training; you DON’T have to live in the gym and work out 3 hours a day!
It is the ultimate Bikini Body Program that will give you a round butt, toned arms and flat abs!

Most importantly, it will help you get those flat abs that you have always wanted!
Summer is here- Are you bikini ready? Here are some of my favorite tips for six pack abs:

CRUNCHES: Don’t Count-Just “Burn” Them!

Abdominal exercises are your arsenal at sculpting and toning your tummy. I am strict when it comes to these, almost always exercising my abs until exhaustion. My militant mantra is “If you are not burning, you are not earning”, meaning you have to work for your washboard and a good indicator is that post work out soreness that sets in on the abs after my workouts.

Here I have highlighted my 3 top favorite abs exercises guaranteed to give you a run for your money!

A. BALL BUSTERS: Lay your back on a yoga ball with your knees bent 90 degrees and your workout buddy holding your feel down. Lean all the way back holding a small 5 pound weight behind your neck crunching up and actually curling your torso inwards towards your belly button and at the same time turning your pelvic muscles up.

B. THE PENDULUM: Lay on the floor while holding your work out partner’s ankles. Bring your legs up and have your partner push them down to the floor and then snap your legs back up-the key is to use resistance when your legs are being pushed down.

C. HANGING KNEE RAISES: When I first put myself into these arm straps, I thought that it was some kind torture device! But know I only have my abs thanking me! Hang in 2 arm slings with elbows bent and locked, and gently raise your knees into your chest.

Her book is full of tips, tricks and work outs to allow you to get the most out of your workouts and look like a fitness model. She is also offering an addition 2 books, and an MP3 player. Add that in with a 8 week money back guarantee and you do have no reasons not to but this book.

Click Here to learn how to look like a fitness model!

4th of July

July 4, 2008 by  
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As the 4th of July comes upon us, we all know what is coming: the food. There will be barbeque’s, parties, and other sort of food arrays throughout the entire weekend. The 4th, along with Christmas and thanksgiving, can be one of the most hurtful days to a diet and trying to eat healthy. All the hamburgers and hot dogs, and beverages can really take a toll on your body. But you do not have to go hungry in order to ensure that you stay on your healthy lifestyle plan. Know your portion size and know what is better than the others. There is a great book written by the editor of Men’s Health Magazine, David Zinczenko, called “eat this not that”. It breaks down the things that you should eat, rather than that what you should not. The book understands that the normal person eats out, goes to barbeque’s and other events. This book shows the best things to eat, when a side salad is not an option.

Weighted Vests

June 24, 2008 by  
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$10 off each weighted product. Promotion code: mirvest08

Save $30 on the MIR 50lbs short weighted vest

One of the most asked questions I get as a fitness professional goes something like this:
“So, I have been walking to get into shape, but I want something more. What do you suggest?”

Even hard core athletes ask questions along these lines: “I need something to put me over the top and give me an advantage against my competitors. What tools do you have?


I am a big fan of adding weight in the form of a weighted vest. MiR has some great vests ranging in all types of weights. The best thing is, they are not big and bulky like other vests. They are shorter, and less bulkier, meaning you can walking in it, work out in it, and increase your weight which increase work which increases results!

MiR 20Lbs Short Adjustable Weighted Vest is one of the best vests on the market. The 20lbs vest adds just enough weight to where the work outs are more challenging. The best part about the MiR series of vests in that they are adustable: If you work out of the 20 lbs and increase so much that 20lbs isn’t doing much for you, you can go right into the next weight. They have weights all the up to 150 lbs.If you are an athlete needing to boost your speed and leg power, try running some sprints with vest on, or doing standing squats. You feel the little weight change.
MiR 15Lbs Short Adjustable Weighted Vest Although the vest are becoming less bulky, it still feel sometimes like you are wearing a bullet proof vest. If you are new to vests, it may take some time gettiing use to. But that awkward feeling goes away and you barely feel the vest. You feel the weight, not the vest. If you can get over the little bit of odd look wearing the vest, I recommend these to anyone, whether you are an athlete or trying to lose a few more pounds. They are an easy way to gain a little more power and lose a little more weight.

MiR Weighted Vest

New web store-NOW OPEN!

June 17, 2008 by  
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Click Here to check out the Fitness, nutrition and weight-loss amazon store. It has products that can aid your journey in health and fitness. Whether your goal is to train as an elite athlete, or to lose a few pounds to live healthier, you will find something that suits your needs. If you have any questions about any of the products, contact us at You can contact amazon directly, but you will get a quicker, more personal response if you contact us. VISIT OUR WEB STORE TODAY 

Treadmill Vs. Walking

June 14, 2008 by  
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This question gets posed many time. Should I be walking outside, or on a treadmill? Is there even a difference?Martica Heaner, who writes for MSN Health and Fitness, gives a great answer to this. Walking fast or running on a treadmill feels tougher. Outdoors, the time can fly because you get distracted by playing kids, barking dogs, birds, cars and passing scenery. And you may even get the benefits of a cool breeze. But on the treadmill you tend to feel every drop of sweat. And it’s like waiting for a pot to boil as you watch mere seconds pass while you try to meet your time or mileage goal for the session.

A recent study found that treadmill workouts are, in fact, as hard as they feel. Researchers at Missouri State University put eight trained runners through their paces on a treadmill and outside. While working at the same intensity in both conditions (measured by heart rate), the runners not only felt like they were working out harder when they were on the treadmill, they ran faster.

Why? Outdoor sidewalks, trails and tracks can provide a little give during a workout. You can naturally and automatically slow down, or you might have to stop at a traffic light or get out of someone else’s way. When you come upon a hill, you get to run downhill, which gives you a little breather. You may also slow down if you get distracted by things around you.

Treadmills are a great home exercise tool. They provide a great home workout that you ca really do anytime, they are lower impact, and you do not have to worry about the hustle and bustle of a busy gym. You get a great cardio workout on your time. Treadmills can range in prices. One good treadmill is the Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill. You can buy it on Amazon Fitness site.  Amazon Fitness is running specials this June, so now is the time to buy. Treadmills now-a-days are space saving, lighter, and more conveient for customers. They are a great tool to help you achieve the fitness goals that you have set for yourself. Here are a few more treadmill options: 


April 24, 2008 by  
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According to a recent study, 1 in 4 people in the US are on a diet. 1 in 4! People have misconstrued what it means to “diet”. You hear people all the time talking about how they are “on a diet”.


A diet, if looked up in a dictionary, is defined as “the kinds of foods that a person, animal, or community habitually eat”. So to say “you are going on a diet” really sets yourself up for short term success. You are telling people I am going to temporarily change what I eat, to see if that will then in turn help me lose weight. A diet is simply what you eat. So instead of going on a diet, try changing your diet. Permanently. You know what you are suppose to eat. We all had it instilled in us by the food pyramid. Unfortunately, the food pyramid does not factor in the schedules of busy life. But don’t let that stop you.

There are books such as Eat This Not That: Thousands of Simple Food Swaps That Can Save You 10, 20, 30 Pounds-or More! This book puts the entire food industry under the spotlight, and arms you with the savvy tricks and insider information it takes to eat well no matter where you are. It is a great read and allows you to be conscious of what you are eating. You don’t have to end your social life because you are changing you diet. Most of changing your eating habits is being knowledgeable of what to eat and what not to eat.